Once you’ve tried this easy sweet pizza, you’ll never look back!
Serves: 6 Preparation time: 25′ + 2h for dough proving Cooks in: 25′ Ready in: 50′
For the dough:
320 gr white bread flour or Tipo ’00’ flour
1 cup potato puree
9 g dried yeast
5-6 tbsp lukewarm whole milk
50 gr golden caster sugar
40 gr butter, melted
a pinch of fine sea salt
For the topping:
2 red apples, washed, skin on
apple or strawberry jam
2 tbsp blanched almonds, in slivers
2 tbsp unsalted peanuts, crushed
2 tbsp pine nuts
3 tbsp black raisins, soaked in rum or brandy for 20 mins
½ lemon, juiced
2 tbsp brown sugar
cinnamon powder
2/3 cup double cream
Step 1
For the dough: In a bowl, mix the yeast and lukewarm milk. Sieve the flour and salt on to a clean work surface. Mix with potato puree and sugar and make a well in the middle. Pour dissolved yeast and butter in the well, and using a fork, bring the flour in gradually from the sides and swirl it into the liquid. Keep mixing, adding ¼ cup of lukewarm water, and knead for 10 minutes until you have a smooth, springy dough. Place ball of dough in a large flour-dusted bowl and flour the top of it. Cover with damp cloth and place in warm room for about 2 hours until dough doubles in size.
Step 2
Core apples and cut in slices. Put in a bowl and pour lemon juice over apples to avoid blackening.
Step 3
Remove the dough to a flour-dusted surface and knock back the dough. Roll the dough out into a rough circle, about 0,5-1 cm thick, and place on slightly larger piece of olive-oil-rubbed and flour-dusted baking parchment.
Step 4
Spread jam and apple slices on pizza base. Sprinkle with cinnamon, brown sugar, and nuts. Pour double cream over ingredients.
Step 5
Bake pizza in preheated oven to 230C for 25-30 mins. Serve warm, with ice cream if you like.
Photo: Constantine Kafiris / Food styling: Simoni Kafiri
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