If you like the classic combination of orange and chocolate, you will love these little treats!
Serves: 15 pieces Preparation time: 10′ + 1 day waiting Cooks in: 30′ Ready in: 40′
3 navel oranges, peel on, washed, dry
250 good quality dark chocolate
1 vanilla pod, split open, seeds scraped
1 lt water
500 gr sugar
Step 1
Cut oranges across into 1/2cm thick slices. In a large straight-sided skillet, bring the water, sugar and vanilla seeds to a boil. Add orange slices and simmer for about 15-20 minutes over medium-high heat, turning the slices occasionally, until the liquid gets syrupy. Lower the heat slightly and continue cooking for 10 minutes until the liquid gets even richer. Transfer orange slices and syrup in a glass bowl, cover with plastic wrap and set aside for a day.
Step 2
The next day, drain orange slices on a rack or a low preheated oven (70C).
Step 3
Meanwhile, in a small glass bowl, melt chocolate in microwave in 20-second intervals, stirring with a spatula between each interval, until melted. Instead, melt chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of boiling water (bain maire).
Step 4
Carefully dip one side of each orange slice in chocolate and place on a tray lined with kitchen parchment to cool. Let chocolate set and serve with coffee or tea.
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