White rice  is cooked to perfection with colorful vegetables! So light and delicious! Add some sweet corn if you wish or any other vegetables you like…

Serves: 5-6 Prep. time: 15′ Cooks in: 35′ Ready in: 50′

2 cups white rice for pilaf
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 large green bell pepper, finely chopped
1 large red or yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
4 spring onions, finely chopped
1 carrot, coarsely grated
2 tbsp dill, finely chopped
1 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
5 cups vegetable stock
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
½ tsp allspice, powder
½ tsp sugar
salt, pepper

Step 1
In a large frying pan heat oil on medium heat and cook onion for 3-4 minutes until nicely colored. Add peppers and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Step 2
Stir in rice until covered with oil. Add stock and when it comes to a boil, stir in spring onions and grated carrot. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 3
Add herbs and sugar and season with salt and pepper. Half cover with lid and simmer for 10 minutes or until rice absorbs all liquid and is cooked.

Step 4
Cover pan with a clean tea towel or kitchen paper and lid. Leave for 10 minutes. Then serve immediately.

Photo: Vangelis Paterakis – Food styling: Antonia Kati

Και η συνταγή στα ελληνικά: Ανοιξιάτικο ρύζι με λαχανικά