This signature soup promises to keep you full on hot summer days!
Serves: 4 Prep. time: 15′ Cooks in: 50′ Ready in: 1:5′
1 kg tomatoes, peeled, chopped in a bowl
70 g fresh ginger, grated
1 leek, cut halfway through + thinly sliced
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil + a little extra
4 garlic cloves
1 red chili, cut halfway through
1 tsp sugar
salt, pepper
Step 1
In a medium pot heat 3 tbsp oil on medium heat. Cook leek and ginger for 15 minutes on low heat until caramelized. Stir in garlic, red chili and cook for another 2 minutes.
Step 2
Add tomatoes, sugar, salt, a little pepper and 650 ml water. When it comes to a boil simmer for 30 minutes. Remove pot from heat and let cool.
Step 3
Whizz all ingredients until smooth and divide in bowls. Garnish with a little grated ginger fried for 1 minute until golden.
Photo George Drakopoulos – Food styling Tina Webb
Και η ελληνική συνταγή: Κρύα σούπα με ντομάτα και πιπερόριζα
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